Pusat History

by Anas Afandi | 11:06 PM in |

We went to Pusat Sejarah at bandar. i think form 1, 2 and 3 kali, and some form 5.. hmmm dapat jua pengajaran sumthing.. history about Brunei. ada bejual buku , so siapa mau beli. it can improves our english or malay language also in reading hehe. thats what my teacher always says

firstly briefing about History

Lets go! to where?

to here.. where all the books di simpan.. not sold actually..

Now moved to here dimana banyak photos about history of Brunei and others

And last skali, kita minum dulu~ haha

aku minum dua cawan milo. i was so thirsty! haha


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