Ayat Ayat Cinta

by Anas Afandi | 3:33 PM in |

Ayat Ayat Cinta is a beautifully portrayed Islamic love story – a tale of a virtuous Muslim protagonist who overcomes all obstacles of life maintaining pure ideals.
Last nite went to Empiree with parentss hehe dalam kul 10 catu... meluangkan masa sama parents lah cematu haha. Ayat Ayat Cinta..cerita indon + arab. The story was great, bukan plg pasal love. pasal pengajaran ada jua. tenang Agama ia juanya... buleh menyadarkan urg lah cerita ani, aku pun kambang bulu meliat kemarin ahah sound effect nya lagi barijap haha. abis show dalam jam 1, so akhirr tapi alum plg ku mengantuk that time hehe. k lah thanks to bapa and mama pasal membawa meliat wayang ani


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