Md Syazani mebaca doa pembukaan majlis
Hassanol the head prefect give some speech
Followed by Principal Sikun
Disambung lagi dangan.. haha nada..
Persembahan Koir
Ane apa ah? lupa ku
Para penonton lol. senyum bah zan!
PMB student just finished their exam.. so singgah diorg kajap ke AVA room.
Time to bejarah with the Cikgu!
Cium tangan..
Principal potong kek!
Pemain piano
Eat eat and eat
eat lagi..
The prefects, waida and syazani
Qah and Zizan
Zizan and Sanol ,assistant head prefect and head prefect
Aik kena denda?
30th October 2008 :
malas ku kan taip eh ahaha..